I’m Rich Franken, your new President of the Williams Lake Home Owners Association. This is my first newsletter and I hope it serves you well.
First, I would like to personally thank the following officers for their many years of service at Williams Lake: Dan Rondeau, Russell Froemming, Doug Blum and Cathy Ennis.
In addition, a special thank you to Rick Morgan and Larry Clark for this year’s fire training classes; and to Kim Blum for her hard work organizing the many activities, dinners and happy hours she has provided to the Lake for our enjoyment.
Our new slate of officers is as follows:
Rick Franken, President
Tom Buker, Vice President
Gary VanVorce, Vice President
Rick Morgan, Fire Chief
Corky Robinson, Roads Management
Jill Chapman and Anne Franken – Co-Secretary/Co-Treasurer *
(*Note: The Secretary/Treasurer position is an open position, please let us know if you are interested.)
My team will be addressing many topics of interest to Williams Lake as the New Year approaches. If there are some items not listed, please feel free to contact me and we will advise and address those items.
· Bylaws, Building and Safety, etc.
· Travel Trailers, etc.
· Road Maintenance, easements and boundaries
· Fire Awareness training and prevention
· Neighbor relations
· Community Activities
· Lake rules i.e. courtesy when boating, etc. Lake easements for possible HOA only launch and/or docks.
· Fish habitat issues
· Firehouse building upgrade
· Additional trash bin
· Common sense speed reduction (especially for homes next to the roadways)
· Signage i.e., a large legible Public Launch Ramp sign to discourage lost campers roaming
· Endowment Fund
· Dues Assessment
· Personal Home Awareness, i.e. brush and tree trimming for fire danger prevention, excess vehicle and boat storage around the home, environmental blight, etc.
My goal is to have a positive environment here at the Lake. In my opinion, we are a small community and are fortunate to live at one of the most spectacular places on God’s earth. Let’s all try and keep it that way. Let’s all be good neighbors.
Everyone, please take care over the winter…stay healthy and I look forward to seeing you and your comments in the upcoming year.
Rich Franken, HOA President
Cell 951.288.0877 or email me c/o williamslakehoa@gmail.com
For Kicks and Giggles….
On a side note…. during the summer there was a trash can by the dumpsters for aluminum can recycling. I take the cans (crushed or not) to the bin downtown in Salmon for the Ronald McDonald House donations. I’m only going to do this list below ONCE! It’s a tally of what everyone consumed, in no particular order or quantity (aluminum can-wise) here at the Lake over this past summer. It was a truly amazing list!
Coors Light, Budweiser, Busch Light, Red Bull, Big Sky Mango Spiked Seltzer, Red Bull sugar free, Starbucks Double Shot Energy Vanilla, Red Bull Energy, Diet Mountain Dew, Kroger Giner Beer, The Red Edition Red Bull Watermelon, Moscow Mule with Vodka, Coors regular, Reds Wicked Apple, Monster Energy Ultra Red, Monster Pipeline Juice, Monster Zero Ultra, Rockstar Pure Zero Silver Ice, Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar, Monster Ultra violet, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Red Bull Summer Edition, Peace Tea Razzleberry, Canada Dry Ginger Ale Bold, Pacifico, La Croix Pamplemousse, La Croix Orange,, Deschutes Squeezy Rider West Coast, IPA, Deschutes IPA, Zevia Mixer Lemon Lime with Bitters, Tecate Michelada, Truly Watermelon, Truly Kiwi, La Croix Lime, Cock and Bull ginger beer, North Fork Pavette Lager, Freemont Ollie IPA, Quilters Irish Death, IPA home IPA Sawtooth brew, ALTA sparkling water lime and watermelon, A&W Root beer, Big Sky Brewing Montana, Diet Coke, Jeremiah Johnson Mountain Scottish Ale, 90 Schilling Ale, Odell Brewing Co, Seltzer, Water lemon, Big Sky Huckleberry Spiked Seltzer, Starbucks triple shot French Vanilla, Arizona Arnold Palmer, Dr. Pepper, Modelo Especial, La Croix Lemon, Laughing dog Brewing IPA, Quilters Irish Death, Truly Mango, Hamms Real Draft, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Pepsi Wild Cherry, La Croix tangerine, Fresca sparkling Soda Water, Grand Teton Brewing Teton Ale and Amber, Arizona Green Tea, Elysias Hazy IPA, MXD Cocktail Mai Tai, La Croix Pure, Sprite Lemon Lime, White Claw Ruby Grapefruit, La Croix Tangerine, White Claw Rasberry, Mango and Natural Lime, Tecate, Bud Light Seltzer Black Cherry, Sawtooth Brewery Stanley Juicy IPA, Sawtooth Brewery, Hailey, ID, Twisted Tea Half and Half, Citrus Mistress Hop Valley Brewery, White Claw Watermelon, Veltins Pilsner, Grand Teton Sour Ale, Big Sky Brewing Landed Fore Bear, Kern Brewing Big Wave, Sawtooth Brewery False Summit Amber Ale, White Claw Surge Cranberry, Shasta Root Beery, Truly Cherry, Mamitas Tequila Soda, Sierra Nevada Octoberfest, Snake River Zonker Stout and Grand Teton Brewing 208 !!!
Thanks for the update, and the work.