Williams Lake Recreational Water and Sewer District
P.O. Box 82, Salmon, Idaho 83467
Hello Homeowners:
Your Water and Sewer Board have been making major improvements to the systems at the lake. One of our advances has been the ability to read the water flows through our system. Unfortunately, we noticed last winter was that our water usage was extremely high for the very few people that live here through the season.
In conclusion, we have determined that some homeowners are leaving their water on and running while they are not physically at the lake. With our new ability to measure individual home water use, we're trying to avoid a potential cost per gallon charge to each home owner.
Letting your water run all winter is not only very expensive and a large waste of water resources, but adds increased system costs putting a strain on the infrastructure, and our pumps, motors, etc. are running needlessly and costing you, the homeowners, money.
What we ask is that when you leave for the winter season, please winterize your home. We have some a small supply of antifreeze (donated by Tim Murr), if you are in need of some. It is important that your water is off, lines are blown and antifreeze is put in the water lines.
We appreciate your assistance on this matter as we continue to improve our infrastructure at the lake.
Have a great season.
Llee Chapman