Our water system has been chlorinated and you may get a chlorine smell for the next few days.
FYI our water system is tested on a quarterly basis for bacteria. We will be chlorinating at least twice a year spring and fall (May/Nov). We are a month behind do to a lapse in Water Masters. We will be announcing and introducing the newly appointed water master after a special board meeting within the next 10 days.
Rick Morgan
Chairman, Williams Lake Water Board
Today the Williams Lake Water and Sewer District hired Corey Rice as our new Water Master. Corey has been working for the district for some time monitoring and caring for a sewer system.
It is the goals and intent of the water district to have quarterly water sampling which may require chlorination. As chlorination is needed an announcement will be made on the web site. The level of chlorination is safe to drink, at anytime the system is at risk you will be advised as to the proper precautions to take if any. For your comfort we have the softest water and NO harsh chemicals in our system. We a very fortunate of the clean fresh water that we have.