Notice of 30-Day Public Comment Period & Open House for the Water and
Wastewater Facility Study
The Williams Lake Recreational Water and Wastewater District (WLRWWD) is seeking public comments until July 26, 2024 for their Water Facility Planning Study (WFP) and Wastewater Facility Planning (WWFP) studies.
The WLRWWD is in the process of reviewing the future needs of the district’s drinking water and waste water systems. These studies examine improvement alternatives that will help guide decision-making for District leadership and staff regarding the potential growth and sustainability of the drinking water and wastewater systems.
As part of this process, the public is invited to review a DRAFT VERSION OF THE STUDIES
located at Williams Lake Firehouse for a period of 30 days beginning on June 19th, 2024 and ending July 26th, 2024.
The WLRWWD will hold a Public Open House for the WFP and WWFP July 26, 2024 from 9:30-10:00 AM at the Williams Lake Firehouse (30 Lakeview Drive, Salmon, Idaho). Following this open house, the study findings will be presented to the district at their regularly scheduled meeting starting at 10:00 AM. The public is also welcome to attend this meeting and provide public comments on the study to the district.
Citizens may also send WRITTEN COMMENTS to either one of the following email addresses: or